Romance scam letter(s) from Richard Allen Robertson to Karin (Germany)
Letter 1

Hallo Dear
Ein wenig uber mich .. Das Leben ist schon an dieser Stelle .. Ich fuhle mich sehr gesegnet Person. . Werte der Familie sind sehr wichtig fur mich. Ich war sehr zufrieden mit liebevollen parents.and ich gesegnet verlor sie vor langer Zeit. Ich hoffe ich eines Tages in der Lage sein, die Liebe zu jemandem geben werde, wie sie zueinander und zu mir. Ich bin in guter Gesundheit .. Ich reise gern und Lernen verschiedener Kulturen. Ich viele Orte in dieser Welt ... Ich bin schuchtern, aber aufgeschlossen, zaghaft, aber stark, ein Einzelganger, sondern liebt die Menschen um. Es hangt alles davon ab, wer ich bin und wie mit vertrauten oder komfortabel, dass ich mit ihnen bin. Ich bin sehr gebildet, nicht unbedingt von einem Kollegialorgan Vollendung Niveau wie ich bin klug Stra?e und im Einklang mit meiner Umgebung, die mich ofter komfortabler als angstlich
Sie sind aufrichtig, intelligent und Besonderes. Ich mochte jemand, der so warm ist auf der Innenseite, wie sie auf der Au?enseite sind.
Jemand, der lachen und weinen mit .. Und teilen, was in deinem Herzen .. Um meine Freund, dann wird mein bester Freund und mein Leben moglich geworden. Someone To Watch Sonnenuntergange mit ... Spaziergang entlang der Strande mit .. Wer es fur eine gute sein wird, schlecht, glucklich, traurig, lachen, weinen und sogar teilen ein Lacheln mit .. Mein Leben ist hell jetzt .. Aber mit Ihnen ist es vielleicht werde heller ... hoffe, bald von Ihnen zu horen. bye for now ........... kummern ........ sprechen bald.
Letter 2

Good Evening Darling..How are you doing this evening..Honey i am now happy because i have got all the informations for the transfer everything is ok with it.So honey i think i can get ready to move out of this country to your arms..I thank you soo much for all your help to be able to help me to get the transfer done.Honey i am off now to the Hotel i will send you sms when i get to the Hotel..I love you more than everyone..Take good care of your self for me..I love you Richard
Letter 3

Honey we are going to be together in person believe me..
Letter 4

Good Morning My love How are you doing today with the family? I have miss and thinking soo much about you i wish i was together with you in your arms to make you happy always..Honey i know you do not have any money to help me but honey you need to try all your best as possbile to deal with the Bank for me to get the money into your account..Honey please try all your best and have mercy on me to do something for me..Please..I love you..I wanted to put into words my feelings in the hopes that although you may never see the words in writing or even hear them from my lips that you would still know that I care deeply for you, I feel that given the chance this could turn into more, but I guess that will depend on you and how you feel about me.I want you to know that I would much rather have you in my life and take a chance at losing you than not having you at all and wondering throughout, what it would have been like between us! What I'm trying to ask you is - would you take a chance with me? Sweetheart, will you marry me some day... I'm so in love; I get this warm sensual feeling every time I think of you. When I sleep at night, all I can dream about is you. I wish I could hold you in my arms. I dream of the day when I could kiss you passionately on your soft sweet lips and listen to your heart beating because it's sweet music to my ears. All I can say is let me be the one you love; let me be the one whose love you need.Never,never will i ever let you down. I love you. I know you'll find it hard to believe me if I tell you now how much you mean to me. I could hardly understand what I feel for you, knowing how to endure those long sleepless nights just thinking only of you. I've never been like this before. I just don't know how to pour out my feelings for you. I wanted to find the perfect words to make you realize how much I need you and love you, but words continue to elude me, what would they be? Something poetic? I'm sure it should be heartfelt and out of the ordinary. I'm afraid it's no use; every time I look at you, the words came out the same… I love you! I will go now and write to you later on..Hopping to hear from you soon...Honey please you have to know that i am here and you also there and when you keep on saying that it make me feel that you do not trust me any more but honey you need to trust me because you are the only person who have help me till now .Honey my Bank in Uk is not going to give me because i took a loan from there to get the Goods to Africa i try to talk to them and they said they cant give me another loan because the othere one has not be yet paid..Honey you have to know that the money almost in your account and please try all your best as possible the get me the Loan and you can asure the Bank that you are going to give them there Money bank in one week time because if they try to help us by friday they will get the money into your account and you can pay the Bank back on Monday..Honey please try all your best for me..I promise and swear never to let you down.Honey believe me i am the man of your life and i know one day i will get married to you for your name to be Karin Robertson .Honey please help me.I love you and i do not like we always talk about this so honey please try to talk to your banks and get me a loan with an interst.I love you Richard
Letter 5

ACOUNT NAME:Owusu Michael leeroy
ADDRESS: National Investment Bank Limited ,37 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue P. O. Box GP 3726 Accra-Ghana
BANK NAME:National Investment Bank
ACCOUNT NUMBER:2001700569201
Letter 6

My Dearest love Karin, I really don't know how to put into words exactly what you mean to me, but I have many times seen the love you have for me. I don't think that any other woman could be as loving as you. When we took our vows to be there for each other through good and bad times, I didn't expect you to follow through but now i know that it doesn't matter to you what situation we are in, you will still be there.
I know now that we can do anything together and I know that you will be there to save me and to help us fly. I've never experienced the kind of love that we both share and I never thought that I could find someone so special like you. I truly believe that God Himself brought you down from the glorious heavens above to be forever my angel. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you. And, I will love you and only you as long as God will let me.
Your loving butterfly Richard
Letter 7

Dear Karin, How are you doing my darling? I hope all is ok with you and i am missing you soo much and hard a lovely dream that i really like it in the dream
I love you. I love every little thing about you. I love your cute smile, your magical eyes, and the sound of your voice. I feell soo good when i see your sms on my phone, and I love the warmth I feel when I’m talking to you. I can't stop thinking about you when we are apart. I need you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I've always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every moment I share with you. Love Always, Richard
Letter 8

My dearest love Karin, When things go wrong, and they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but DON'T YOU QUIT!!
Life is queer with it's twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may suceed with another blow,

Sucess is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close your are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse that you must NEVER QUIT!! Love Forever Richard

Baby this goes to me love you soo much
Letter 9

22:05 Accra (Kotoka Airport) - 06:40 Amsterdam (Schiphol) This flight arrives 1 day later.
Aircraft type: Boeing 777-200
Transfer time: 1h30 08:10 Amsterdam (Schiphol) - 09:30 Berlin (Tegel Airport)
Aircraft type: Boeing 737-700
Letter 10

Hello my darling this are some pictures i just took it with my phone.. Richard

Letter 11

22:05 Accra
This flight arrives 1 day later. 08:15 Amsterdam
09:35 Berlin
KL1821 22:05 Accra (Kotoka Airport) - 06:40 Amsterdam (Schiphol) This flight arrives 1 day later.
Aircraft type: Boeing 777-200
Transfer time: 1h35 08:15 Amsterdam (Schiphol) - 09:35 Berlin (Tegel Airport) Aircraft type: Boeing 737-700
Letter 12

19:55pm Accra flight from Ghana number KL0589
9:30am Amsterdam flight from Amsterdam KL1824
Letter 13

22:05 Accra
This flight arrives 1 day later. 08:10 Amsterdam
09:30 Berlin
KL1821 Details
Created: 2012-05-23    Last updated: 2012-12-25    Views: 2371
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