We created this website to stop all scammers! If you plan to use dating websites or to continue using the web safely be sure to go back here.
From investigations, to quick answers or finding the real information about a person you are interested in, here everything is covered in an easy to use way, with community and staff that is here to be of great help. Here you will find a different type of scams and detailed information about how these scammers operate.
Alternatively, you can give your info to help other detect scammers. We all hate scammers, and our website helps detect them. Report or find about online scammers easily in the various subcategories.
We've all been to the place where we met a girlfriend online and she looks pretty and we have a great chat. When things get serious and live meetings are possible, it is recommended to back off, and do a little research. With our unique questions and answer feature you'll be able to quickly find out whether your virtual girlfriend is a scammer or not without using any additional search tools and not wasting your time.

Our questions and answers are detailed to help you make the best judgment. Use this feature frequently if you are into online dating and doing chats on multiple websites.

Find out whether she is a scammer in few minutes!
Investigate for scammers like a real detective!

We know that sometimes you don't have the time to wait and you need to do your own investigations about a possible scam fast and efficiently.

If you want to do an investigation about something you find suspicious we will give you the assets. We will require just the information you have and we will give you the tools to do the best investigation. Usually, we'll need some basic information like the contacts, photos, documents and letters and we will give you the perfect tools for search.

find out what tools we can offer you for investigation.
Got scammed by a certain "her"?! Help us and we will help you. Report "her" and we will make sure nobody gets scammed again. Tell us about all troubles she caused and we can help in determining how to expose her and how to make her never repeat this to another person.

All the scams she did to you will be publically available and her picture and all contact details will be available for other people to see. Sometimes serious scams and online robberies occur, so it would be great if other people are warned and avoid the same scam again! Safe others from feeling frustrated and stressed out, because others will also upload reports and you will find out about other possible scams.

First read Reporting rules.
Then study information on Place report help page.
Easily place a report by filling in the Report form.
At any time you'll be able to check status of your report.
We guess you were never aware of the set of tools that can determine whether one person is a scammer or not. We got tons of tools and info that can be of an amazing help. Use our tools, browse different options, read reports from other that were scammed and see the most common scams. Alternatively, see how a fake document and media file looks. Read e-books related to scams or articles on our Blog that will open your eyes.

More information.
Follow our social media at.Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Youtube. Alternatively, comment on our Blog articles or social posts and asks us direct questions. We are responsive and we will reply with relevant comments as well.

Stop Scammers tends to be a social website that will interact with the users all with one goal: to stop scammers. Send us tips or ask us questions about any suspicious persons and we will guide you to the right tools. If you found out about a scammer and want to report, also contact us through our social channels and we will get back to you and publish your case if the scam is real.

Be sure to subscribe to our social media profiles (see below) and newsletter list. We post top-notch, quality and useful content, database changes (when we add a new scammer) and also publish all reported scams so other users can read about them and avoid them.


Name: John Paul
Age: 55
Name: Anderson Johse
Age: 51
Name: Glenn Anthony Dickson
Age: 66
Name: Juan Diego Sebastian
Age: 53
Name: Scott Cheaster
Age: 45
Name: James Chapman
Age: 51
Name: Peterside Chucks
Age: 37
Name: Anderson Smith
Age: 35
Name: Paul Krugger
Age: 61
Name: Franco
Age: 46
Name: Gary Runge
Age: 50
Name: Martin
Age: 46
Name: Megumi Onishi
Age: 50
Name: Federico Nathaniel Galonii
Age: 49
Name: Bettino Moore
Age: 52