As the Internet has grown in popularity and scope, so too have the ways in which thieves and other conmen can use it to relieve you of your money. Today's modern female scammers have taken advantage of the anonymity provided by the net to create new and elaborate schemes to target men online in an attempt to take advantage of them. is the place to find the most up-to-date information on female scammers anywhere in the world. Our site was developed as a way to help put an end to these peoples activities and to help you avoid becoming a victim.
Thanks to our global network of users and contributors, we've amassed the world's largest database of evidence on female scammers and their operations, giving you the tools to track and identify common scenarios that are used by scammers all over the world. Our extensive set of tools will allow you to search, locate and identify whether the woman you are corresponding with is really who she says she is or whether you may have been targeted by a Internet female scammer whose only intention is to relieve you of your money. Our sophisticated search tools will allow you to interrogate our database with any information the woman you are communicating with has sent to you. Have her name or a city of residence? You can search on that. Has she sent you letters or official looking documents in an attempt to prove she is who she says she is? You can search on those, too. Locate scammers by country or email address and browse through the thousands of images, fake documents and media files that we have collected and made available to you. Our latest search feature will even allow you to use photographs the scammer has sent to you to search our database of thousands of images and see whether the same photograph has been used to scam other men in the past.
But of course, our website is not just about being able to search through our massive databases; we also host a thriving community of men who are willing to share their experiences, thoughts and ideas with you. You'll be able to communicate with our community through our online forums, post your own reports and photographs and swap information and stories with all of our other users.
Dont become a victim arm yourself with all the tools and information youll need to fight back.


Name: Luis Gregory
Age: 54
Name: Paul Turek
Age: 55
Name: Chad Miller
Age: 52
Name: Andrey Nikolaev
Age: 24
Name: Harry Johnson
Age: 60
Name: Alex S.
Age: 57
Name: Patrick Carnes
Age: 56
Name: Scott Watson
Age: 46
Name: Richard Demetrio
Age: 51
Name: Mohamed Alaa El-Deen
Age: 27
Name: Benald Taylor
Age: 49
Name: Craig Miles
Age: 44
Name: Vincent
Age: 55
Name: Martin Hammond
Age: 56
Name: Michael Walet
Age: 50